Singing Guide: Matthew Sweet

Singing Guide: Matthew Sweet

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If Matthew Sweet's music has touched your soul and you want to sing like him, there are a few specific techniques that you can practice. Matthew Sweet is a master of power pop and creating a unique vocal blend of harmonies. He combines full, passionate vocals with rock-n-roll edginess.

The vocal technique that makes up Sweet's iconic yelp comes from utilizing breathy-tones. Throughout his career, Sweet has kept his voice sounding fresh and lively by working on his breath control. This technique has allowed him to draw long notes without losing his breath and add a unique depth to his voice. When you try to emulate Sweet's style, it's important to practice power-pop singing, which requires striking the perfect balance between projection and tightness.

One particularly helpful resource for vocal technique improvement is Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test. When singing pitch-perfect, singers use air from their diaphragm to create powerful sounds. By practicing with this test, you can strengthen your voice, improve pitch accuracy and prepare yourself for Sweet's style of singing.

Sweet's songs are often a showcase of his vocal range, from soft and whispered to powerfully sung songs. If you want to build your vocal range and ability to control your tone, Singing Carrots' vocal range test can help. This tool is essential for understanding where your singing range begins and ends and encouraging you to strengthen your voice and note selection.

For practice, Singing Carrots' pitch training program is a good choice. This interactive, personalized program will give you a way to train your ears and sing in tune with chords, melodies, and rhythm, by playing mini-games, exercises and using pitch-visualization tools.

Another way to learn Matthew Sweet's music is by selecting the right song. Sweet's most famous song, "Girlfriend," is a perfect example of his powerful, melodic voice and pop-rock style. When you sing this song you will be able to practice those techniques and build your own confidence. To improve your performance, you can use Singing Carrots' song search to find songs with similar ranges and difficulty levels, that will help you refine your skills. Speaking about popular songs, Singing Carrots also offers a customizable song-book feature that helps you create your performance set, with linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.

If you're interested in more technical aspects of singing, Singing Carrots' vocal registers and vocal breaks article is a great starting point. In this article, you will learn how to work with your different vocal registers and how to eliminate harsh breaks, which both are crucial aspects of Matthew Sweet's style. Another helpful resource is breath support article, which covers basic breathing techniques and teaches you how to enhance your overall vocal power and tone.

In summary, learning to sing like Matthew Sweet means using breathy-tones and perfecting your pitch accuracy, vocal range, and control. Singing Carrots' range-test and pitch-training, as well as song search and song-book tools, make it easy to hone in on the perfect outlets for your style and preferences. With Singing Carrots' resources and a lot of practice, you'll be singing like Matthew Sweet in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.